Tools & Talismans #86 Amy Flurry

FEATHER • ARROWHEAD • URCHIN • WASP NEST • CICADA: A collection of objects found in nature is always close as I enjoy examining (and marveling) at the details of these objects. I love to walk and I find these things along my trail or path. The arrowhead came from a farm I grew up on in south Georgia. We used to look for them after the fields were plowed. Nature inspires ideas for collections and even detailing. On the wigs we did for RED Valentino, for example, you’ll find butterflies in various stages of flight or repose.

X-ACTO KNIFE: The beauty of Paper-Cut- Project is not only that these pieces are whispered into existence from imagination, but that they are conjured from simple sheets of paper using only an X-acto and glue. Knives and blades are ever-present and kept at many different places around the house, including a counter near the kitchen table where a lot of the work gets done.

STACK OF GOLD WATCHES: Our dear friend, Coleman Barks (a poet best known for his interpretations of Rumi) brought these and a bag of other trinkets to dinner one night after having cleaned out his own desk. It is the same watch style and one he repeatedly purchased from Eckerd Drug Store when the last one stopped ticking. He thought it hilarious (actually we all did that night) and I’ve kept them on my desk since to remember the laughter and love he extends to us.

PENCIL: I am also a writer and have authored a book, Recipe for Press, as well as served as a freelance editor and magazine writer for almost 20 years. I feel naked if I don’t have a pen, pencil and journal on me (in my bag or on the desk) to jot down my ideas and thoughts. I have stacks of journals that I reference often. The first step, for me, is getting ideas down on paper first, no matter how far out or crazy.

Amy Flurry • Writer. Business Consultant. Artist.

Tools & Talismans is a personal painting project where I document {in watercolor} the tools and talismans of 100 different women — creators and healers, thinkers and makers, wordsmiths and visionaries. Join me — I'll be sharing a new painting with you every Wednesday.

Would you like to have your very own Tools & Talismans painting to inspire, support and remind you of all the things that make you “you”, as you go about your days, grow your business and create your life? Get in touch so we can talk, I'd love to hear from you!


Tools & Talismans #87 Mae Moore


Tools & Talismans #85 Jen Hewett