Tools & Talismans #75 Stefanie Renée
I received this compass as a birthday present from a dear friend and it sits beside me on my desk. It reminds me to find my true north and keep on striving for what I really want in life. I also have a collection of VW buses and this particular one sits outside the window where I work and reminds me that adventure is not that far away.
The Hamburger eraser represents a hamburger bell I had on a bike one summer during a roadtrip with friends. Every time I rang that bell it meant a “yes to life” exclamation! It reminds me to look at things differently and to really have a “Yes to Life” outlook.
When I am out in the world, I look and find hearts everywhere, either in trees, rocks, leaves, shells. It’s become a habit that my daughters have taken to and it reminds us that love is all around us, all the time. I have a collection of different rocks and shells and I choose one to have with me all the time.
My laptop is the main tool for my business, I’m a creative entrepreneur assistant and I manage at least 3-4 email accounts daily, plus all the behind the scenes for these different businesses. I couldn’t work without it. It also allows me the flexibility to work wherever I want.
I started sketching and watercoloring a couple of years ago and my watercolors, pencils, pens and brushes sit on my desk so that I have a daily practice of doing something creative. It feeds me in so many ways.
A tube of Burt’s Bees lip balm is never far away, in my purse, my desk, my nightstand, a constant for me.
I wear my Fitbit everyday and it motivates me to move my body. I like the reminder to get up from my desk, get outside and walk. My iPhone is my constant companion for better or for worse. It’s my camera, my entertainer, my link to the outside world.
Stefanie Renee • Mother. Artist. Photographer.