Women's Work

Book Cover Design | Interior Design & Layout | Art Direction
client: Lea McComas

THE PROJECT:  Create a book to accompany Lea McComas’s hand-made quilt that would be shown as a part of the Women’s Voices, Women’s Votes, Women’s Rights show at the Clinton Museum that went up in 2022.

The quilt depicts 57 women—from Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Malala Yousafzai—who dared fight for equality and justice.

The quilt will be up (along with work from 16 other fiber artist’s work) through 30 April 2023.

I loved working with Liz Kalloch. Her fresh approach to book design makes her a self-publisher’s dream. Liz took the time to know me and understand my vision before offering cover designs and interior layouts that blew me away. Her collaborative approach and industry insights enabled me to create a book that I am truly proud to author and publish.
— Lea McComas | Fiber Artist. Author.


The Grimm Trip Reports: Volume One


Stacey Loscalzo Reads website